Rob Faust, maskmaker, director, performer, creator and artistic director of Faustwork Mask Theatre on his masked physical theatre piece Carnival Knowledge opening Thurs August 6th at The Theatre
Director Trevor Schwellnus and choreographer Olga Barrios, artistic director of Aluna Theatre, on their production of Nohayquienspa (No One Knows)opening Thurs August 6th at Factory Theatre Mainspace. Aluna Theatre creates works with Latin Canadian and women artists using Columbian collaborative creation techniques. .Nohayquienspa is inspired by the appearance of body parts washed ashore by the port city of Puerto Berreo on the Magadalena River in Columba. .
Choreographer Katie Ward from the UK who has explored the implications of dyslexic students learning dance technique, choreographed dance theatre dealing with teenagers' sexual health and relationship issues worked with the learning disabled at First Movent Centre in rural Darbyshire UK.