Choreographer Irene Whittaker-Cumming, Artistic Director of Being Human Dance (BHO), a Contemporary Dance Dompany that uses dance and music to tell moving human stories and aims to use her passion for creativity in dance, writing, photography and choreography as a means for positive social change. Topics discussed include using different art forms (specifically writing and music) to inform contemporary dance, the differences between being an interpretor/dancer and being a dancer/choreographer, and working with these two areas together. She will explore the potential for connections between dance and social change. www.beinghumandance.com
Coverage of Dance At The Young running December 2-18 at Young Centre For The Performing Arts, 55 Mill Street, Distillery District. Choreographer Andria Nann on Beside Each Other showing Dec 2-9, a duet with her and Brendan Wyatt that explores the private landscape between a man and a woman. Choreographer Kristy Kennedy who is performing in two works in The Collision Dance Festival, Dec 10-12, a weekend of multidisciplenary performanc, interviews and social dances.
Young Choreographers Ashley Thomas and Krista Antonio from the York University Department of Dance talk about thier works in Dance Inovations: Harvest, a two-part program featuring performing artists from the Depatment of Dance under the direction of Julia Sasso and Terrill Magujire.