Choreographer Sasha Ivanochko, Artistic Director of Blackandblue Dance Projects and Dora Winning Dancer Brendan Wyatt on the DanceWorks Presentation of The Future Memory Heartbreak Junction showing Nov 4-6 at Harbourfront Centre's Enwave Theatre. www.danceworks.ca www.blackandbluedanceprojects.ca
Dancer Megan Nadain with Setareh Deizendeh, Artistic Director of Godot Art Productions and Creator/Director of Homeland showing Oct 28-Nov 6 at Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace. Homeland is a mlulti-faceted examination of home in a hybrid setting of dance, live music and documentary film.
Choreographers/Performers Angela Blumberg and Anastasia Maywood on their works in Shooting A Bird a York Universtiy presentation that brings together four emerging artists in York University's MFA Program in Dance with an original program showing autobiographical dance created at the most personal level: the self-choreographed solo. Runs Nove 4-6 at McLean Performance Studio, 244 Accolade East Building, York University, 4700 Keele Street.