Highlights 2 shows in The 32nd Rhubarb Festival--Week Two, Feb 23-27 at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, 12 Alexandra Street. Multi-Disciplinary Creators Richard Windeyer and Ciara Adams on the Bluemouth Inc. show The Centre for Sleep and Dream Studies showing Wed 9.30pm in The Cabaret & AnteChamber. Aerial dance company Femmes de Feu Choreographer/Performer Holly Treddenick on Airship showing Wed-Sat in the South Chamber. www.buddiesinbadtimes.com www.bluemouthinc.com www.femmesdefeu.com
Choreographer Denise Fujiwara, Artistic Director of CanAsian International Dance Festival on their 10th Festival taking place Feb 23-26 at Harbourfront Centre's Fleck Dance Theatre. Butoh Choreographer and Performer Jocelyne Montpetit on her solo in the festival Nuit Nacht Nott. Montpetit trained under European masters such as Jerzy Grotowski in Poland and Etienne Decroux in France. Also worked with Tatsami Hijkata and the late Kazuo Ohno, the founding masters of Butoh Dance.