NYC Choreographer Shannon Gillen, Artistic Director of Shannon Gillen & Guests, talks about her company formed in 2008, their expressionistic creative process, The Incubator Arts Project that grew out of the Incubator, a project of the Ontological Hysteric Theatre supporting independent experimental performing artists and her involvement with Springboard Danse Montreal. www.shannongillen.com www.incubatorarts.org www.springboarddansemontreal.com
Russian-born Director/Choreographer Tatiana Jennings, Founder of Kadozuke Killektif, on her creation Codex Nocturno running until July 3 2011, 8pm at Image Foundry, 1581 Dupont Street. It is an original multi-disciplinary performance centered around a couple struggling to come to terms with a failed pregnancy.
Drummer/Percussionist Chris Cawthray on his new CD, Move 2, a follow-up to Move vol 2: Odd Times - music for modern dance and creative movement released in 2001. This is a unique and much needed resource for dancers, teachers and choreographers. Focusing exclusively on odd-metered music. Offers a wide range of meters (counts) and speeds that will energize your choreography and teaching.