Co-Host Dancer Andrya Duff on the Operation Snatch Presentation of Les Demimondes, opening August 12 10:00pm at Lower Ossington St. Theatre, 100 Ossington Ave. Presented in the SummerWorks Performance Festival which runs August 9-19th. Les Demimondes is a multidisciplinary combination of dance, film, song, movement and monologue. Looks at how fine arts, music, film and photography in the media have profited from the whore mystique while whores themselves remain marginalized and criminalized.

Daniel Levinson, Founder of Rapier Wit, Canada's oldest stage combat school and production company. Daniel Levinson is a certified Fight Master, Fight Director and Fight Instructor with Fight Directors Canada and the Past President with Fight Directors Canada. School has structured and unstructured classes, fight direction and choreography.