Hosts: Ted Fox and Andrya Duff:
Yasmina Ramzy, Artistic Director of Arabesque on their presentation of JAMRA taking place Feb 9-12 At Harbourfront Centre's Fleck Dance Theatre. JAMRA is an Arabic word for 'embers' and is a vibrant exploration of some of the Middle East's rich dance forms featuring Choreographers Ferda Bayazit (Turkey), Sasha Zariff (Canadian/Iranian/Azerbaijian) and Khairilyya Mazen (Luxor, Egypt)
www.arabesque dance.ca
Choreographer/Educatior Janice Pomer talks about the Pegasus Studios 10th Annual Dances of Offering Benefit concert to raise money for the Paediatric Ambulatory Clinic at Toronto East General Hospital. Takes place Sunday Feb 12 5pm at Betty Oliphant Theatre. Combines student dancers with professional choreographers and performers in both public productions and school shows
www.dancoffering.myevent.com www.thepegasusdancebag.blogspot.com
Choreographers Tina Fushell and Julia Male on the Ambitious Enterprises presentation of At The Wrecking Ball V, a Night of Cultural Fusion and Momentum. Takes place Feb 9-11 8pm Sun Feb 12 4pm at Lower Ossington Theatre, 100a Ossington Avenue.