Host: Andrya Duff
Eric Franklin, Director and Founder of the Franklin Institute in Uster, Switzerland and Teacher, Dancer and Choreographer, talks about his book Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery (Second Edition), published by Human Kinetics. Techniques and exercises presented help to improve posture and move better both mentally and physically. More than 600 imagery exercises and nearly 500 illustrations. www.humankinetics.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Franklin
Andréa de Keijzer, a Montreal-based dancer, choreographer and photographer, and Erin Robinsong, a Toronto-based poet, dancer and retired grammar professor, talk about their Gold Ink Mouth Research Engine production of Wolves & Selves, created during a residency at Hollyhock on Cortes Island. Shows June 14-24 2012 in the Montreal Fringe. Based on research with islanders on their timber wolf encounters, this work explores how the caged wild parts of ourselves move in us.
http://www.indiegogo.com/wolves-and-selves www.andreadekeijzer.com