Hosts: Ted Fox and Roshanak Jaberi
Larry Beckwith, Founder/Artistic Director of Toronto Masque Theatre and Choreographer Marie-Nathalie Lacoursiere, Artistic Director of Les Jardins Choreographiques, Montreal's Renaissance dance troupe. Their production of Convent of Pleasure runs Friday May 11 and Saturday May 12 8pm at Hart House Theatre, 7 Hart House Circle, U of T with pre-show chats at 7:15pm. This 1668 drama depicts an aristocratic woman of 17th Century England who retires from society and creates an all-female community within an enclosure called "the convent of pleasure."

Choreographer Susie Burpee on her choreography in the North American premiere of British Dramatist Bryony Lavery's STOCKHOLM showing May 11-June 2 at Tarragon Extra Space. A presentation of Seventh Stage Theatre Productions in association with Nightwood Theatre. It is a sort of danse macabre centered around a couple who, like the psychological condition Stockholm Syndrome, are cut off from the world by their own devouring need of each other, holding each other hostage.
www.seventhstageproductions.com www.nightwoodtheatre.net
Nicole Brooks Curator of the soooOOUL TRAIN Event talks about the 11th annual rock.paper.sistahz festival taking place Friday May 11 8pm-10pm at Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie Street ,Pay-What-U-Can. Professional dancers perform an interactive and multi-cultural take on the 70's Soul Train movement. www.bcurrent.ca