Hosts: Roshanak Jaberi and Andrya Duff
Choreographer Julia Sasso on her World Premiere of SLoE featuring pianist Eve Egoyan's live interpretation of the late iconic Canadian composer Ann Southam's piano piece Simple Lines of Enquery. Dancers include Jessie Dell and Angela Blumberg formerly with Evidance. Showing September 27-30 8pm, Sunday 4pm, Enwave Theatre, Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay West. http://www.harbourfrontcentre.com/ http://www.juliasasso.com/
Choreographer D.A. Hoskins, Artistic Director of The Dietrich Group, and Dancer Fabien Piche, on their production of I Am an Animal showing Sept 26-29 8pm at The Citadel Theatre, 304 Parliament Street. Investigates the layers of desire as part of an evolution of presonal fulfillment and survival.
Rina Fraticelli, Executive Director of the 10th Anniversary Abilities Arts Festival, celebrating a decade of showcasing Disability Arts and Culture. September 20-October 11 2012. Talks about the dance films in MIX, the three-day multimedia event, which is part of this festival, taking place September 21-23 at Carlton Cinema.