Hosts: Ted Fox - Andrya Duff
Choreographers Emma Kerson, Ana Groppler and Constance Cooke talk about their pieces in the Dance Matters Dance Productions Presentation of Series 2-- Risky Business and Rebel Yells, taking place February 9 8pm and February 10 4pm at Scotiabank Studio Theatre, Pia Bouman School, 6 Noble Street (west of Queen and Dufferin)

Cylla von Tiedemann, International Photographer of the Performing Arts, talks about her dance photography exhibit What Dances In Between on until February 9 2013 at the Al Green Gallery, 64 Merton Street, Wed/Fri/Sat 12-5pm Thurs 12-7pm. Features photography of School of Toronto Dance Theatre graduates. http://www.thealgreengallery.com/