Choreographer Esmeralda Enrique, Artistic Director, and Sharon DiGenova, Lighting Designer, of Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Company. Their production of De Idas y Vuellas shows April 24-27 2014 at Harbourfront Centre's Fleck Dance Theatre. For times and more info go to
Colleen Snell, Lisa Emmons and Mateo Galindo Torres on their works showing in Dance Matters Series 3--From The Fryin Pan, May 3, 8pm, May 4, 4pm at Pia Bouman School School, 6 Noble Street.
Choreographer/Dancer Kate Hilliard. Her presentation of Album runs April 24-26 2014, 8pm at The Citadel, 304 Parliament Street. A work about favorite songs and the personal histories that accompany them.